Here’s Lookin at you Deer

[APRIL2024] I’ve had a trailcam in a very productive location on the property for quite some time, and I just finished uploading several new sets of pics to the TrailCam gallery. Coyote, fox and more, check it out. There’s never a shortage of deer images when I unload the memory card. They seem to sense…

I See You

[JAN2023] When I unloaded the TrailCam memory card this week, I found 3 awesome photos of a coyote in all its winter bushy beauty, which I have uploaded to the TrailCam Gallery. Guests sometimes ask if they should be concerned about any of the wildlife here. My response is that any wild animal encounter should…

Sure Not Camera Shy

[APR2002] I could hear the coyotes had been quite active nearby a few evenings in a row so I set out the TrailCam in the area I guessed they had been to try to catch some images. When I unloaded the camera card a week later, no luck on coyotes but I got loads of…

A couple blog follow-ups

[FEB2022] I added a couple interesting images to the TrailCam gallery showing a coyote pass and my dog on high alert at that exact spot just an hour later. In the DEC2021 blog post about solar renewable energy, I mentioned an article I had written for the Ontario Woodlot Association (OWA) newsletter on the topic…

Early Spring

[APR2021] The first prognostication of an early spring this year was from Wiarton Willie on Groundhog Day. Well, let me clarify that. This year, in a bizarre twist, nobody saw Willie… not just because the annual festival was virtual like everything else, but because instead of a groundhog we saw the mayor of South Bruce…

Cavities Can be a Good Thing

[MAR2021] A longtime friend was visiting this past weekend and caught some great photos during their stay, including this one of a woodpecker peeking out of a hole in an old Elm tree. Cavities can indeed be a good thing… when they’re in a tree anyhow. It’s all part of the amazing natural order of…

Family Lodging

[APR2020] There are several grand old maples on the property, the kind so large that even two people could not encircle it holding hands. One of them has been rotting out its core for a few years, and this spring an enterprising raccoon mom-to-be realized that with a little “fix up” work this would make…

Dear Deer

[APR2019] Dear Deer, Thanks for stopping by my new trail cam. It seems you are as interested in it as I am, though from different sides of the coin as it were. I’ve bought all kinds of gadgets over the course of my life but this one I think will be one of the best…

Talking Turkey

[OCT2018] My last guests wrote a lovely review on Airbnb, and mentioned how nice it was to see wildlife both around the property and even right from the Cordwood Cabin they were staying in. Wild Turkeys, in particular, have been common sightings this time of year. These pictures were taken from my front porch the…

Bear With Me

[JUN2018] Sitting on the front porch, quietly enjoying an early-evening glass of wine, I noticed in the periphery of my vision something moving, looked up and saw a larger animal than the deer, raccoons, porcupines and wild turkeys that are not uncommon sights from my perch on the porch. Wow, first bear sighting on the…


[MAY2016] The feeders are alive with goldfinches as well as other finches and sparrows, rose-breasted grosbeaks, blue-headed cowbirds, tons of blue jays, and a stunning lone indigo bunting came by this week too!